Smart Meter Defender – Replacement Decals

Friendly Reminder: This purchase price of this set of 3 GIAplex decals (powered by MRET & ERT technologies) which say “Radiation Protection” on them (see picture) does not include the actual Smart Meter Defender. Instead, the 3 replacement decals shown here will help you substitute the 3 decals that can be found on the inner bottom rim of the Smart Meter Defender, which need to be replaced every 2 years.

The GIA Smart Meter Defender allows for your (electric utility) Smart Meter to be used with the peace of mind you deserve. Utilizing radiation-inhibiting stainless steel materials coupled with the proprietary GIAplex technology, the GIA Smart Meter Defender actively works to neutralize the effects of your exposure to harmful radiation, while supporting the body’s resilience to stress at the same time.*


SKU: 39221

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